primary logo for the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education


For purposes of accreditation by MACTE, the following terms are interpreted as defined below.

accreditation (1): a process for assessing and enhancing academic and educational quality through voluntary peer review.

accreditation (2): the status of public recognition MACTE grants to an educational program that has evidence it meets MACTE’s standards, quality principles, and requirements.

accreditation management portal: the accreditation software provided by MACTE for development of the Self-Study and submission of annual reports.

academic clock (contact) hours: includes lectures, demonstrations, and integrated practice with materials with the certification course instructor(s).

adverse action: the denial or revocation of accreditation.

affiliating organization: a Montessori professional society or trade association which is national or international in scope.

articulation agreement: an agreement between two or more programs. Examples: transfer of credit, acceptance of adult learners.

asynchronous communications: communications in which individuals participate at different times (or non-simultaneously).

audit: when an adult learner takes coursework for professional development or personal enrichment. No credits or grade points are earned in audited courses, these courses are not applicable toward a credential.

bonding: an acceptable method for a program to demonstrate its financial viability by a surety agreement (insurance policy), to be used to cover funds to adult learners in the event the program closes before completion of its Montessori teacher education certification course(s).

candidate for certification: adult learner

consortium: a formal association of five or more independent institutions that are national or international in scope and accredited by MACTE.

core curriculum: the course subjects defined by each affiliate or defined by an independent institution with the source cited.

course cycle: minimum length of time a program requires for both academic and practicum phases to be completed, on a regular schedule (or schedules) that begins with the first day of classes and ends with the final evaluation experience.

course level coordinator: the qualified individual assigned to manage the course level for which the program director does not have a Montessori credential.

director (administrator): the person whose primary responsibility is policy and oversight of the Montessori teacher education program.

online education: education in which program components are delivered to adult learners who are not in residence with the instructor, either synchronously or asynchronously.

document: to provide tangible evidence.

documentation: includes copies of licenses, certificates, published policies, or other relevant written criteria.

encumbered funds: an acceptable method for the program sponsored by a public school or district to demonstrate its financial viability is a surety agreement that commits a specified part of the public institution’s funding, to be used to cover refunds to adult learners in the event the Montessori teacher education program closes before completion of its certification course(s).

escrow account: an acceptable method for a program to demonstrate financial viability by committing funds held in escrow, to be used to cover refunds to adult learners in the event the program closes before completion of its Montessori teacher education certification course(s).

field consultant/supervisor: qualified adult appointed by a teacher education program to observe and mentor adult learner progress through the practicum phase, in a Montessori environment.

good standing: an accredited institution in full compliance with all MACTE Quality Principles and Criteria (e.g., not on Accreditation with Stipulations, Administrative Probationary Accreditation, or Accreditation Probation), having fulfilled all administrative requirements for maintenance of accreditation, paid all accreditation-related fees and charges, and submitted all information and reports required by the appropriate due dates to MACTE and the affiliate organization. Placement on probation excludes an institution from attaining good standing.

guest lecturer: an expert who is invited to present a maximum of 50% of any core course component. The director is responsible for ensuring that the content of the guest lecturer’s qualifications align with the MACTE requirements.

legally authorized/registered: filed and approved as a legal entity (e.g., association, corporation, partnership, DBA [doing-business-as], or sole proprietorship) as required by law within the state or states of the U.S. or country/countries outside the U.S. in which the program operates its Montessori teacher education certification course(s).

on-site coordinator: person that manages an additional location or contract site that has a Montessori credential at one or more of the course levels being delivered at that site and resides at that site.

practicum: the phase of preparation related to the practical implementation of the Montessori methodology, which involves practice by the adult learner under the supervision of the teacher training program and includes student teaching and field observation.

practicum coordinator/supervisor: the program staff member responsible for arranging adult learner evaluation visits, assigning and preparing field supervisors/consultants to make these visits, and for other pertinent duties related to the practicum period.

practitioner: a person whose primary responsibility is teaching in a Montessori classroom and who currently spends at least 50% of a full-time workweek in that position.

professional educator (academic): a person whose primary responsibility is that of a faculty member; someone who is directly involved in the delivery of the educational program, and who currently spends at least 50% of a full-time workweek teaching or conducting research.
recognized Montessori credential (for teacher education program faculty): a credential issued from a MACTE accredited teacher education program. All credentials issued from non-MACTE accredited programs will be reviewed independently by way of an established rubric. The rubric, along with Portfolio requirements, is available for review on the MACTE website.

reporting status: is given when a program falls below the reporting threshold requirements (70% for completion) for two consecutive years.

residency requirement: number of clock hours an adult learner is required to be on campus.
student teaching: includes hours spent in the classroom actively practicing with children.
substantial compliance: general fulfillment of accreditation requirements with specified areas of deficiency to be remedied.

supervising teacher: the classroom teacher-mentor for a candidate completing practicum student teaching. The supervising teacher or credentialed designee must be present in the environment on all days on which the student teacher is present.

synchronous communication: communications in which interactions between participants are simultaneous or in “real time.”

teach-out plan: a written plan developed by a program that provides for the equitable treatment of adult learners if a program that provides 100% of at least one certification course, ceases to operate before all adult learners have completed their course of study and may include a teach-out agreement between accredited programs.

teach-out agreement: a written agreement between MACTE accredited programs that may be part of a teach-out plan. It provides for equitable treatment and a reasonable opportunity for enrolled adult learners to complete their course of study if a program that provides 100% of at least one certification course ceases to operate before they have completed their program of study.

unaffiliated independent: a MACTE accredited program that is not a member of an affiliated organization but is associated with an independent consortium.

withdrawal: voluntary termination of enrollment by the adult learner before the Montessori certification course is completed.