Accreditation Eligibility

The MACTE accreditation process is open to programs that exist solely for the purpose of offering Montessori educator preparation and to programs associated with colleges or universities. Programs are eligible for accreditation regardless of their professional affiliation, organizational form, sources of financial support, size of enrollment, or location.

child lays various leaves on a table and outlines them with marker at a Montessori school
color block design at Alison's Montessori School

Accreditation Process

The accreditation process is open to any Montessori educator preparation program that meets the MACTE Quality Principles and criteria.

Accreditation Process at a Glance

Step 1: Application

Program Actions:

  • Program faculty prepares and submits an application and the appropriate fee

MACTE Actions:

  • MACTE accepts or rejects the application based on eligibility requirements
Step 2: Self-Study

Program Actions:

  • It is strongly suggested that the program faculty attends a MACTE webinar on writing the Self-Study
  • Program faculty submits the Self-Study for formative evaluation

MACTE Actions:

  • MACTE staff reviews the Self-Study for completeness, clarity, and requests any revisions in the MACTE office review
  • MACTE sends the Self-Study to a reader who completes the content review
  • MACTE sends the program the reader’s feedback in the form of a staff analysis
Step 3: Staff Analysis

Program Actions:

  • Program faculty responds to the MACTE staff analysis (15 business days)

MACTE Actions:

  • MACTE reviews the revisions and declares the Self-Study auditable
  • MACTE accepts the Self-Study and moves to planning the on-site visit
Step 4: Third Party Comments

Program Actions:

  • Program faculty distributes request for third party comments to all stakeholders

MACTE Actions:

  • MACTE places the program on the MACTE website Third Party Comments page
Step 5: On-Site Verification Visit

Program Actions:

  • Program faculty submits data for the visit as requested
  • Program faculty receives and hosts the verifiers for the on-visit (2-4 days)
  • Program faculty responds to on-site visit reports

MACTE Actions:

  • MACTE schedules the visit and sends the On-Site Verification Visit documentation
  • The on-site verification team (OSVT) reviews the submitted data
  • OSVT completes the visit to the program
  • OSVT prepares the on-site report and submits the report to MACTE
  • MACTE sends the report to the program
Step 6: Board Meeting

MACTE Actions:

  • MACTE sends the Self-Study, OSVT Report, and Program Director’s response to the MACTE board
  • The program is presented for discussion by two board members
  • The entire board deliberates and votes on accreditation
Step: 7 Post Board Meeting

Program Actions:

  • Program faculty accepts or appeals MACTE’s action (within 30 days)

MACTE Actions:

  • MACTE formally announces the decision to the program and sends an official letter of accreditation along with a certificate of accreditation
  • If the decision is to accredit and the program accepts the decision, MACTE announces the decision. If the decision is to not accredit and the program appeals, MACTE initiates its appeal process.

Looking for more?

Programs offering Montessori teacher education may be organized according to any legally recognized and registered structure (e.g., corporation, partnership, proprietorship; public or private; nonprofit or tax-paying).

The Montessori educator preparation program may be already functioning or new. Newly created programs must have been in existence for at least six months before an on-site verification visit can take place. It is strongly suggested that a developing program contact MACTE at least 12 months prior to the anticipated start date. Programs may offer multiple course levels. Each course level offered must be MACTE accredited.

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