February 2019 Accreditation Decisions

Accreditation Decisions


Korean Institute for Montessori (AMS)
(Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea, Republic of) Director: Dr. Jae Woo Lee
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until February 25, 2026, for its Early Childhood level


Fountainhead Montessori Adult Education (AMS)
(Dublin, California) Director: Julianne Golden (Proposed)
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until November 1, 2024, for its Early Childhood level

Maryland Center for Montessori Studies (AMS)
(Lutherville, Maryland) Director: Lee Lanou
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until November 6, 2021, for its Early Childhood level

Palmetto Montessori Institute (IND)
(Florence, South Carolina) Director: Dr. Floyd Creech
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until March 2, 2026, for its Early Childhood and Elementary I-II levels

Substantive Change 8: Additional Location

Northeast Montessori Institute (AMS)
(Wenham, Massachusetts) Director: Martha Monahan
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (IA, April 27, 2023) and Early Childhood (FA, September 23, 2020) levels to include a Substantive Change 8: Additional Location at Chengdu Mengyou Education Consultancy, Room 802 Building 4 No.42 Shuxi Road Hi Tech Industrial Park, Jinniu District Chengdu City, China

Administrative Decisions

Substantive Changes not Requiring an Onsite Visit

Fountainhead Montessori Adult Education (AMS)
(Dublin, California) Director: Julianne Golden (Proposed)
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, November 1, 2024) level to include a Substantive Change 5A: Revision of Syllabus

Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, November 1, 2024) level to include a Substantive Change 6: Change in Ownership/Control

Voluntary Lapses of Accreditation

Seton Montessori Institute (AMS)
(Clarendon Hills, Illinois) Director: Anna Perry
Voluntary Lapse of Accreditation of their Elementary I and Elementary I-II and levels’ accreditation, effective November 14, 2018