MACTE Complaint Policy and Procedures

MACTE is invested in the continual improvement and sustained quality of Montessori educator preparation programs (EPPs). Therefore, MACTE takes complaints seriously. Complaints are statements alleging that an EPP is not in substantial compliance with MACTE’s Quality Principles, criteria, or accreditation procedures.

Complainants must share their names and contact information for MACTE to be able to follow the complaint review process. MACTE can attempt to keep the complainant’s identity confidential, but it is not guaranteed a program will not figure out who has filed a complaint through the review process.

MACTE does not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeal in matters of admission, granting or transfer of academic credit, grades, fees, adult learner financial aid, disciplinary action, collective bargaining, staff or faculty appointments, promotion, tenure, or dismissals or similar matters. Before the steps below are implemented, the complainant should demonstrate that a serious effort was made to resolve the issue through the EPP’s complaint procedures that are outlined in each adult learner handbook.

The following procedures provide a mechanism for MACTE to review complaints:

1. The complainant is informed that their complaint has been received.

2. If MACTE determines the complaint is not within the scope of MACTE’s policies, the complainant will be notified of the decision within 30 days of receipt of the complaint.

3. If the complaint appears to be within the scope of MACTE’s responsibility and appropriate documentation has been provided, a copy of the complaint is forwarded to the EPP’s program director who must respond by the date specified by MACTE (no more than 30 days). The program director must present evidence to MACTE that its policies and processes are functioning as they were represented in its Self-Study and that the complaint does not represent a breach of MACTE’s Quality Principles and criteria. (MACTE may take adverse action against a program at this step in the procedure). Step 3 is also when MACTE determines if other appropriate agencies, such as MROs, will also be notified.

4. MACTE reviews the program director’s response to determine the status of the complaint in light of MACTE’s Quality Principles and/or policies. An analysis by MACTE staff is prepared within 30 days of receipt of the program’s response.

5. At the next MACTE board meeting, the board of directors review the EPP’s responses to decide whether the complaint represents a breach of MACTE’s Quality Principles and criteria and whether the EPP needs to submit additional information. A written response that details the basis for the MACTE board’s decision is sent within 30 days to the EPP; if additional information is required, the program has a set amount of time determined by the MACTE board (no more than six months) to address the issue and bring forward further evidence. If it is determined that a focused on-site visit is required, the visit is scheduled and conducted in accordance with MACTE’s usual on-site visit procedures.

6. If the EPP fails to respond to the complaint, the MACTE board may take action against the program. If the EPP presents new evidence, MACTE staff reviews that evidence and presents a staff analysis to the EPP and the MACTE board for its decision regarding their accreditation status.

7. The involved parties are informed of the MACTE Board’s decision.

How To File a Complaint with MACTE

1. Read MACTE complaint policy and procedures to determine whether your complaint falls within the scope of MACTE’s policy.

2. Complete all sections of the complaint form. Attach additional pages as needed to support your complaint and list these on the final page of the complaint form.

3. Submit your electronic complaint form.