MACTE 2021-2022 COVID-19 Policies

Academic Hours
In-person sessions should follow the recommended health guidelines (i.e., keeping a safe distance, wearing masks, health screens, etc.).

Recognizing the importance of holding in-person academic hours, programs should consider rescheduling in order to delay class sessions if necessary.

Should a program director determine there is absolutely no way they can meet in-person for the academic portion of their course for cohorts starting in 2021-2022, they must contact the MACTE office to schedule a meeting and discuss options with the accreditation team.

The following requirements for in-person academic hours remain in place:

  • 120 hours for Infant and Toddler, Early Childhood, Elementary I, Elementary II, Secondary I
  • 180 hours for the Elementary I-II, Secondary I-II

Practicum Hours
At least 120 hours of in-person student teaching are required. After the 120 in-person hours are met, programs can count the time adult learners spend teaching virtually towards the additional practicum requirements.

Three field supervision visits are still required. The field visits may be conducted virtually if necessary.

Programs should carefully consider ways they may need to provide additional support for their adult learners.

Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Learning
Teaching online: Programs teaching 10% or more of their academic hours online must submit the Substantive Change 5B application, if they have not done so already. For programs planning to only use online learning to accommodate adult learners during the pandemic, the usual fee is not required at this time. Programs must remain in communication with the MACTE office should the specified time teaching online ends up needing to be extended.

On-site Verification Visits
MACTE is determining the best way to conduct on-site visits (virtual, hybrid, or in-person) on a case-by-case basis. Virtual visits may require a follow up visit to occur in-person.

Additional Information
Please refer to the previous communications sent from the MACTE office and shared on our website at for further information pertaining to Title IV and FERPA compliance, providing support to students, program fees, and links to a number of advisories. In addition, all programs should be aware of and follow the guidelines set forth by their affiliate organization and their state.