Meet Your On-site Verifier: Nancy Lindeman

Meet Nancy Lindeman! She is emeritus faculty from Westminster College where she served as the program director for the Institute for Montessori Innovation. Nancy may have retired as a program director, but she is staying as busy as ever: she spends time with her family, serves on the American Montessori Society’s Board of Directors, does consulting work, and volunteers as a MACTE onsite verifier.

When and how did you first learn about accreditation? 
While working as a Special Educator in the mid 80s.

 How do you explain your work with MACTE to people who aren’t familiar with accreditation?
Working on an on-site verification visit team keeps me current with Montessori best practices.

Why did you choose to get involved as a verifier for MACTE? 
This gives me an opportunity to get to know our broader Montessori community and to serve our fellow Montessorians.

What aspects of your background have been particularly helpful in your work as a MACTE verifier?
Being a Montessori educator, working on Montessori Boards of Directors, be a program director for Institute for Guided Studies and Institute for Montessori Innovation.

What have you learned from working as a MACTE verifier that has been beneficial to you? 
There are so many creative Montessori teacher educators that I’ve learned from. I have improved my practice as a Montessori teacher educator from my experiences as a verifier.

What has been one of your most memorable experiences?
Being in Houston as a verifier when Hurricane Harvey hit! I got out on the last plane before the hurricane hit and we finished our work!

How do you find the time to volunteer as a verifier?
I try to schedule different times of the year when I’m available for the opportunity to be a verifier. I love doing this!

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher! What else????

How did you discover Montessori education?
Through my work as a special educator and my own children.

What is your greatest career or life achievement so far?
Serving children from toddlers to middle school in a wide variety of school settings.

What’s your favorite part of being a part of the MACTE community?
The friendships I’ve made with other verifiers, program directors, and faculty members from a wide variety of teacher education programs. I’ve had the privilege to serve on wonderful teams.

Thank you, Nancy!