November 2017 Accreditation Decisions

Accreditation Decisions


Arkansas Center for Montessori Studies (AMS)
(Little Rock, Arkansas) Director: Dorothy Moffett
Full Accreditation Initial with Stipulations* was granted for a term of seven years, until November 29, 2024, for its Early Childhood and Elementary I levels provided the stipulations are resolved by May 15, 2018
*For more information on the stipulations, please contact the MACTE Office at

Baishan Montessori Teacher Education Institute (AMS)
(Qingdao, China) Director: Rosemary Gosse
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until November 29, 2024, for its Early Childhood level

Beijing Heart & Mind Montessori Teacher Education Center (AMS)
(Beijing, China) Director: Jesmine Lok
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until November 29, 2024, for its Early Childhood level

Greensprings Montessori Centre (IND)
(Gbagada, Nigeria) Director: Abraham Ogunkanmbi
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until November 29, 2024, for its Early Childhood level

Montessori Teacher Preparation of the Philippines (MIA)
(Quezon City, Philippines) Director: Normita Son
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until November 29, 2024, for its Early Childhood level

Southwest Institute of Montessori Studies (AMI)
(Phoenix, Arizona) Director: Ann Velasco
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until November 29, 2024, for its Early Childhood level

Vietnam Montessori Advisory and Training Centre (MIA)
(Hanoi, Vietnam) Director: Normita (Normi) Son
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until November 29, 2024, for its Early Childhood level


Columbus Montessori Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Columbus, Ohio) Director: Kristi Lethenstrom
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until November 10, 2023, for its Infant and Toddler and Early Childhood levels

Maitland Montessori Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Maitland, Florida) Directors: Adele Fondo & Muriel Owens
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until November 1, 2024, for its Early Childhood and Elementary I & Elementary I-II levels

Shanghai Montessori Education Academy (AMS)
(Shanghai, China) Director: Nancy Chang
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until January 17, 2025, for its Infant and Toddler level

Substantive Change 7: Change in Location

Montessori Educational Institute of North America (AMS)
(Jackson, Mississippi ) Director: Joyce Moxley
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, September 23, 2019) and Elementary I (FA, June 6, 2018) levels to include a Substantive Change 7: Change in Permanent Site from to The Montessori Academy of Jackson, 1525 Lelia Drive, Jackson, Mississippi 39216

Administrative Decisions

Substantive Changes not Requiring an Onsite Visit

Montessori Oman Training Center (MEPI)
(Muscat, Oman) Director: Zuhoor Al-Saleh
Full Accreditation was extended for their level to include a Substantive Change 1: Change in Legal Name from National Nursery Montessori to Montessori Oman Training Center

Center for Montessori Education/NY (AMS)
(New Rochelle, New York) Director: Patricia Coffey
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (FA, December 4, 2021) and Early Childhood (FA, September 22, 2021) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Carole Wolfe Korngold to Patricia Coffey

Etonkids Montessori Teacher Training Academy (AMS)
(Chaoyang District, Beijing, China) Director: Paul Epstein & Prairie Boulmier
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (FA, September 22, 2021) and Early Childhood (FA, September 22, 2021) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Dr. Marlene Barron to Paul Epstein & Prairie Boulmier

Greater Cincinnati Center for Montessori Education (AMS)
(Covington, Kentucky) Director: Lisa Dieso
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (FA, November 6, 2021) and Early Childhood (FA, May 4, 2022) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Heather Gerker to Lisa Dieso

Montessori Center for Teacher Education (San Diego) (AMS)
(San Diego, California) Director: Debra Sheehan
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, September 22, 2021), Elementary I (FA, September 22, 2021), Elementary I-II (FA, September 22, 2021) and Elementary II (IA, April 26, 2025) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Lo Ann Jundt to Debra Sheehan

Montessori Northwest (AMI)
(Portland, Oregon) Director: Sarah Werner Andrews
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (IA, June 29, 2022), Early Childhood (FA, November 1, 2024) and Elementary I-II (IA, December 2, 2022) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Jennifer Davidson to Sarah Werner Andrews

Montessori Teachers College (IND)
(Toronto, Ontario) Directors: Paula Glasgow & Helen Traicus
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, June 19, 2020) level to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Paula Glasgow to Paula Glasgow & Helen Traicus

Montessori Training Center (Shingle Springs) (AMS)
(Shingle Springs, California) Director: Sylvia Loveless
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, April 6, 2023), Elementary I (FA, November 4, 2022) and Elementary I-II (FA, November 4, 2022) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Elizabeth Armanino to Sylvia Loveless

Montessori Training Center of St. Louis (AMI)
(St. Louis, Missouri) Director: Larry Quade
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (IA, September 19, 2023) level to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Annette Haines to Larry Quade

Shelton Montessori Training (AMS)
(Dallas, Texas) Directors: Dr. Joyce Pickering & Gulzar Babool
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, April 21, 2024), Elementary I (FA, April 21, 2024) and Elementary I-II (IA, April 21, 2024) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Dr. Joyce Pickering & Pauline Novak to Dr. Joyce Pickering & Gulzar Babool

Montessori Institute of San Diego (AMI)
(San Diego, California) Director: Silvia Dubovoy
Full Accreditation was extended for their level to include a Substantive Change 4: Change in Time Structure

Montessori Educational Institute of North America (AMS)
(Jackson, Mississippi ) Director: Joyce Moxley
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, September 23, 2019) and Elementary I (FA, June 6, 2018) levels to include a Substantive Change 6: Change in Ownership/Control

Voluntary Withdrawals of Accreditation

South Mountain Montessori Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Phoenix, Arizona) Director: Jane Lemon
Withdrawal of their Elementary I level at Desert Garden Montessori School, 5130 East Warner Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85044 effective October 11, 2017

Xavier University Montessori Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Cincinnati, Ohio) Director: Lesley Roth
Withdrawal of their Elementary I level’s additional location at Ilgok Eunsung School, 814-1 Ilgokdong, Buk-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City, South Korea 508-865, Republic of Korea effective August 1, 2016