December 2022 Accreditation Decisions

InitialsCaret Down

Grace Montessori Teacher Education (CMF)
(Dawsonville, Georgia) Director: Christine Munn
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until December 6, 2029, for its Infant and Toddler level

Oaks Montessori Teacher Education (AMS)
(Omaha, Nebraska) Directors: Ashley Steurer, Barb Jens & Lindsey Werner
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until December 6, 2029, for its Infant and Toddler level

(Omaha, Nebraska) Directors: Ashley Steurer, Barb Jens & Lindsey Werner
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until December 6, 2029, for its Early Childhood level

(Omaha, Nebraska) Directors: Ashley Steurer, Barb Jens & Lindsey Werner
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until December 6, 2029, for its Elementary I & Elementary I-II levels

(Omaha, Nebraska) Directors: Ashley Steurer, Barb Jens & Lindsey Werner
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until December 6, 2029, for its Secondary I & Secondary I-II levels

Xiangmeng Teacher Training Center (AMS)
(Changsha City, Hunan, China) Directors: Sherry Guo & Wei Xiong
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until December 6, 2029, for its Early Childhood level

RenewalsCaret Down

Montessori Teacher Education Center – San Francisco Bay Area (AMS)
(San Leandro, California) Director: Dr. Pamela Rigg
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until March 2, 2028, for its Early Childhood level

(San Leandro, California) Director: Dr. Pamela Rigg
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until March 2, 2028, for its Elementary I & Elementary I-II levels

Virginia Center for Montessori Studies (AMS)
(Richmond, Virginia) Director: Michele Mohar
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of six years, until May 4, 2029, for its Infant and Toddler level

(Richmond, Virginia) Director: Michele Mohar
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until May 4, 2029, for its Early Childhood level

Substantive Change 5C: Addition of LevelCaret Down

The National Center Montessori Teacher Residency (IND)
(West Hartford, Connecticut) Directors: Laure Fleming & Sandra Wyner Andrew
Full Accreditation was extended for their Elementary I and Elementary I-II (IA, December 1, 2028) levels to include a Substantive Change 5C: Addition of EL I to EL I-II

Substantive Change 7: Change in LocationCaret Down

Montessori Training Center (AMS)
(Carmichael, California) Director: Sylvia Loveless
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, April 6, 2023), Elementary I and Elementary I-II (FA, November 4, 2022) levels to include a Substantive Change 7: Change in Primary Site from 4645 Buckeye Road, Shingle Springs, California 95682, United States to 5325 Engle Road, Ste 200, Carmichael, California 95608, United States

Substantive Change 8: Additional LocationCaret Down

Montessori Teacher Education Center – San Francisco Bay Area (AMS)
(San Leandro, California) Director: Dr. Pamela Rigg
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, March 2, 2028) level to include a Substantive Change 8: Additional Location (Contract Site) at Montessori School of Pensacola, 4100 Montessori Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32504, United States

The National Center Montessori Teacher Residency (IND)
(West Hartford, Connecticut) Directors: Laure Fleming & Sandra Wyner Andrew
Full Accreditation was extended for their Elementary I and Elementary I-II (IA, December 1, 2028) levels to include a Substantive Change 8: Additional Location (Contract Site) at Latin American Montessori Bilingual Public Charter School, 5000 14th St NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20011, United States

Stipulation RemovalCaret Down

University of Wisconsin – River Falls (AMS)
(River Falls, Wisconsin) Directors: Kateri Carver & Nancy Lindeman (Interim Director)
Removal of stipulations* approved for their Early Childhood, Elementary I, and Elementary I-II (FA, December 4, 2027) levels
*For more information on the stipulations, please contact the MACTE Office at

Substantive Changes Not Requiring an On-Site VisitCaret Down

Montessori Teachers College (IND)
(Markham, Ontario) Director: Indu Balachandran
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (FA, March 22, 2025) and Early Childhood (FA, June 19, 2027) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Catherine (Katie) Lannaman & Helen Traicus to Indu Balachandran

Trinity Montessori Education Center (AMS)
(Shanghai, China) Director: Junli (Annie) Wen
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (IA, July 31, 2024) and Early Childhood (FA, June 27, 2023) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Laura Roark to Junli (Annie) Wen and >50% of Faculty

Montessori Education Institute Pacific NW (AMS)
(Bothell, Washington) Director: Mary Schneider
Full Accreditation was extended for their Elementary I and Elementary I-II (FA, March 8, 2027) levels to include a Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Education (Permanent)

Montessori Teacher Academy (AMS)
(Dana Point, California) Director: Paloma Johnston
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, May 4, 2022) level to include a Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Education (Permanent)

Montessori Teachers College (IND)
(Markham, Ontario) Director: Indu Balachandran
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (FA, March 22, 2025) level to include a Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Education (Permanent)

(Markham, Ontario) Director: Indu Balachandran
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, June 19, 2027) level to include a Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Education (Permanent)