February 2021 Accreditation Decisions

InitialsCaret Down

Capital Education Institute (AMS)
(Chino, California) Directors: Penny Yenping Yang (Proposed) & Susan Lee
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until February 22, 2028, for its Infant and Toddler level

Institute for Advanced Montessori Studies (AMS)
(Silver Spring, Maryland) Director: Hilary Green
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until February 22, 2028, for its Elementary II level

International Center for Montessori Studies (AMS)
(Miami, Florida) Director: Heidy Lilchin
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until February 22, 2028, for its Early Childhood level

Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until February 22, 2028, for its Elementary I-II level

Montessori Teacher Education Institute of Atlanta (AMS)
(Atlanta, Georgia) Director: Ashley Darcy
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until February 22, 2028, for its Elementary I & Elementary I-II levels

Sprott Shaw College Montessori Teacher Education (IND)
(Vancouver, British Columbia) Director: Mata Papadogrambos
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until February 22, 2028, for its Early Childhood level

RenewalsCaret Down

Centro de Educacao Montessori de Sao Paulo (IND)
(São Paulo, SP, Brazil) Directors: Marion Wallis & Paige Patterson Geiger
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until September 23, 2027, for its Early Childhood level

Dallas Montessori Teacher Education Programs (AMS)
(Plano, Texas) Directors: Athirai Baskaran (Proposed) & Dina Paulik
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until April 18, 2026, for its Early Childhood level

Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until April 18, 2026, for its Elementary I & Elementary I-II levels

Lander University Montessori Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Greenwood, South Carolina) Director: Edward Jackson
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until September 23, 2027, for its Elementary I level

Montessori Institute for Teacher Education at Spring Valley (IND)
(Federal Way, Washington) Director: Gulsevin Kayihan
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until December 4, 2027, for its Early Childhood level

Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until December 4, 2027, for its Elementary I-II level

Capital Education Institute (AMS)
(Chino, California) Directors: Penny Yenping Yang (Proposed) & Susan Lee
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until June 19, 2027, for its Early Childhood level

The MACTE Board hereby extends the status of Full Accreditation Renewal for a term of seven years to Capital Education Institute for its Early Childhood (FA, June 19, 2027) level’s additional location at NO. 6, Changyuan Road, Qingxio District, Nanning Shi, Guangxi Zhuang, China.

Northeast Montessori Institute (AMS)
(Wenham, Massachusetts) Director: Martha Monahan
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until September 23, 2027, for its Early Childhood level

The MACTE Board hereby extends the status of Full Accreditation Renewal for a term of seven years to Northeast Montessori Institute for its Early Childhood (FA, September 23, 2027) level’s additional location at Chengdu Mengyou Education Consultancy, Room 802 Building 4, No.42 Shuxi Road, Hi Tech Industrial Park, Jinniu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan, China.

Montessori Training of Southern Nevada (AMS)
(Las Vegas, Nevada) Director: Lori Jo Bossy
Full Accreditation was granted for a term of seven years, until November 6, 2027, for its Early Childhood level

Substantive Change 7: Change in LocationCaret Down

Trinity Montessori Education Center (AMS)
(Shanghai, China) Director: Laura Roark
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (IA, July 31, 2024) and Early Childhood (IA, June 27, 2023) levels to include a Substantive Change 7: Change in Permanent Site from 586 Gao Jing Lu, Qingpu District, Shanghai 201702, China to Montessori School of Shanghai, 3852 Du Yuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 201108, China

Substantive Change 8: Additional LocationCaret Down

Montessori Teachers College (IND)
(Toronto, Ontario) Directors: Catherine (Katie) Lannaman & Helen Traicus
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, June 19, 2020) level to include a Substantive Change 8: Additional Location at Oaks and Acorns Montessori School, 4963 Front Street SE, Calgary, Alberta T3M 2M3, Canada

Stipulation RemovalCaret Down

Khalsa Montessori Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Tucson, Arizona) Director: Janice Mayhew
Removal of stipulations* approved for their Elementary I-II (FA, March 14, 2021) level
*For more information on the stipulations, please contact the MACTE Office at info@macte.org

Substantive Changes Not Requiring an On-Site VisitCaret Down

Centro de Educacao Montessori de Sao Paulo (IND)
(São Paulo, SP, Brazil) Directors: Marion Wallis & Paige Patterson Geiger
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, September 23, 2027) level to include a Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Education (Temporary)

College of Modern Montessori (IAPM)
(Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa) Director: Olivia Darby
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, September 12, 2025) level to include a Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Education (Temporary)

Montessori of Alameda Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Portland, Oregon) Director: Lee Lanou
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, November 10, 2023) level to include a Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Education (Temporary)

Princeton Center for Teacher Education (AMS)
(Princeton, New Jersey) Director: Dorothy Paul
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (FA, March 8, 2020), Early Childhood (FA, March 8, 2020) and Elementary I (FA, March 8, 2020) levels to include a Substantive Change 5B: Addition of Online Education (Temporary)

Voluntary Withdrawals of AccreditationCaret Down

Polish Montessori Institute (IND)
(Warsaw, Poland) Director: Joanna Maghen
Withdrawal of accreditation for the program and its Early Childhood level at Niepubliczne Przedszkole Montessori, Slonecznik, Mozarta 4, Warsaw, 02-736, Poland effective November 10, 2020

Withdrawal of their Early Childhood level’s additional location at Domek Przedszkolaka Montessori, Batorego 4/5, Gdansk, 80-251, Poland effective November 10, 2020

Withdrawal of their Early Childhood level’s additional location at Przedszkole Montessori House, Benedykta Cesarza 9, Krakow, 30-427, Poland effective November 10, 2020

Withdrawal of their Early Childhood level’s additional location at Przedszkole Ziarenko – Centrum Montessori, Zabrodzie 7, Wroclaw, 52-327, Poland effective November 10, 2020

Withdrawal of their Early Childhood level’s additional location at Warszawa, Dzierzby 26/28, Warszawa, 02-836, Poland effective November 10, 2020

Withdrawal of their Early Childhood level’s additional location at Dwujezyczne Przedszkole Montessori Elipsa, ul. Piwna 1, Poznan, 61-065, Poland effective November 10, 2020

Montessori Teacher Education Center – San Francisco Bay Area (AMS)
(Sunnyvale, California) Director: Dr. Pamela Rigg
Withdrawal of their Early Childhood level’s additional location at Infinity Children’s School, No. 8 Somerset Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, China effective June 30, 2021

Withdrawal of their Early Childhood level’s additional location at Montessori Teacher Education Center San Francisco Bay Area – Taiwan Campus: Early Childhood Level, No. 2-1 Lane 96, Kuang Fu South Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China effective June 30, 2021

Withdrawal of their Infant and Toddler level’s additional location at Montessori Education Foundation Association, No. 2-1 Lane 96, Kuang Fu South Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China effective June 30, 2021

West Side Montessori School’s Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(New York, New York) Director: Lisanne Pinciotti
Withdrawal of their Infant and Toddler level’s additional location at iHommy International Daycare, Suite 101, Unit 2, 238 Nan Hu Xi Yuan Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing, China effective July 31, 2020