May 2023 Accreditation Decisions

InitialsCaret Down

Mind Montessori Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Luoyang City, Henan, China) Director: Kao Hsuanyeh
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until May 23, 2030, for its Early Childhood level

The Center for Montessori Education at Trine University (AMS)
(Angola, Indiana) Director: Laurie Stockton-Moreno
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until May 23, 2030, for its Elementary I level

University of Delaware Montessori Teacher Residency (IND)
(Newark, Delaware) Director: Linda Zankowsky
Full Accreditation Initial was granted for a term of seven years, until May 23, 2030, for its Elementary I & Elementary I-II levels

Substantive Change 8: Additional LocationCaret Down

Montessori Training of Southern Nevada (AMS)
(Las Vegas, Nevada) Director: Lori Jo Bossy
Full Accreditation was extended for their Early Childhood (FA, November 6, 2027) level to include a Substantive Change 8: Additional Location at Maple Corner Montessori, 1140 Umpqua College Rd., Roseburg, Oregon 97470, United States

Full Accreditation was extended for their Elementary I and Elementary I-II (IA, July 29, 2026) levels to include a Substantive Change 8: Additional Location at Maple Corner Montessori, 1140 Umpqua College Rd., Roseburg, Oregon 97470, United States

University of Wisconsin – River Falls (AMS)
(River Falls, Wisconsin) Directors: Kateri Carver & Nancy Lindeman (Interim Director)
Full Accreditation was extended for their Elementary I and Elementary I-II (FA, December 4, 2027) levels to include a Substantive Change 8: Additional Location at Maria Montessori Academy, 2505 N 200 E, North Ogden, Utah 84414, United States

Substantive Changes Not Requiring an On-Site VisitCaret Down

Montessori of Alameda Teacher Education Program (AMS)
(Portland, Oregon) Director: Jana Morgan Herman
Full Accreditation was extended for their Infant and Toddler (FA, November 10, 2023) and Early Childhood (FA, November 10, 2023) levels to include a Substantive Change 3: Change in Director from Lee Lanou to Jana Morgan Herman

Voluntary Lapses of AccreditationCaret Down

Palm Harbor Montessori Teacher Education Center (AMS)
(Tarpon Springs, Florida) Director: Catherine Varkas
Voluntary lapse of accreditation of their Early Childhood level accreditation, effective November 4, 2022